Unique Features

An application with solutions designed for the daily lives of Adventist friends and brothers.

  • Church

    Your church always with you. Transparency, service times, tithes and offerings and much more.

  • Sabbath School

    Notes, calls and reports on the goals set. Follow the progress graph in your class’s evangelistic mission.

  • Relationships

    Connect with your church members and friends through prayer, create prayer requests and prayer groups.

  • Home

    Follow the latest news from the Adventist world in an information feed designed especially for you.

  • Communion

    Content and resources that will help you in your personal communion and spiritual life. Sabbath School lessons, meditations, podcasts and much more.

  • Profile

    Request your transfer between churches easily on 7me. And always have your worship history and personal information with you.

Get closer to your brother through prayer

We believe in the power of prayer, which is why we have an exclusive tool designed with great care to help you in your intercessory prayers.

Prayer Groups

Create prayer groups for young people, family and friends. And share the group easily even by QR Code.

Prayer List

Get quick access to the requests you’re praying for, so you’re never in doubt if you’ve forgotten something.

Prayer Request

Create requests and thanksgivings and choose whether you want to make them visible only to your church or to your entire association.

Everything you need, just a tap away

Can you imagine your church’s unique resources just a tap away?


  • One touch away from the latest news from my association and the Adventist world.
  • One touch away from connecting with my church through prayer.
  • One tap away from finding out about my church’s upcoming events.
  • One touch away from worshipping wherever I am.



thousand download


thousand users in Brazil


countries present


functions available

Evaluations that motivate us!

How nice to know that 7me is already making a difference in the lives of many Adventists.

Beautiful to look at!

The challenge was to create an application that was didactic, beautiful and functional. In this way, it would serve all users who are part of the Adventist community.

Frequently Asked Questions

7me was created with the vision of: To be an instrument that brings members closer to God and facilitates their relationship with their church.

7me has 4 base purposes that drive the creation of its features. They are:

  • AVIVATE through prayer, meditation and Sabbath School;
  • SUPPORT through information on local churches, schedules and services times;
  • AUXILIATE through tools such as member transfer, tithe and offering, notes.
  • UPDATE through an Adventist news feed, notifications with information.

The transfer of members between churches is carried out by the secretariat departments of the churches involved in the transfer process.

For both sending and receiving members, the churches will need to vote on the transfer in their respective committees. This is a standard procedure that is laid down in the church manual for transferring members between churches. Once the sending transfer has been voted on, it will be the new church’s turn to vote on receiving it. Then the transfer process will be finalized.

You will be notified by e-mail about each step of the transfer process, and you can check the status via the 7me app.

In the biblical narrative, financial transactions were mostly made through animals and products. The same was true of donations to the temple. Today, we live in an economy that uses cash and checks as the main method of payment and exchange. However, this method is giving way to electronic exchange. The electronic worship plan simply allows individuals who wish to tithe and offer to do so in the same way as they complete their other financial transactions.

To change your password, simply go to the settings menu and choose change password.

Still have questions? Contact our support team at: suporte@iatec.com.


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